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How many human partners have you had?

On 3/18/2018 at 4:42 PM, Ramseys said:

Well I was infuring that humans were laking...

Making the absence of a tail to indicate that.

As G. Orwell so succinctly put it. "Four legs good, two legs bad". 

I break the line 'cuz I fellated a non-human two-legger.  (an ostrich)




none, zero interest whatsoever.


1 hour ago, Kuvaszfucker said:

none, zero interest whatsoever.

Very same 'none' here, and it'll stay that way. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />



There have been a few - mostly in my early years before really discovering who I am. Through my teens I attempted to pursue the "normal" things a teenage male would pursue and some relationships were born out of that. They didn't last very long though as I lack a lot of what is needed to make it work - I'm not physically attracted to other humans and frankly there always comes a point where I'd rather just be alone with the dog. Moving the clock forward a bit I did pursue another relationship with a male zoo but this ended in the same way for the same reasons.

I think I've found a happy medium in my life where I have really close zoo friends that I can connect with when I need that face to face human connection and I have my canine companions at home. I am happy and fulfilled.


18 hours ago, Thunder-Bay-Syd said:

There have been a few - mostly in my early years before really discovering who I am. Through my teens I attempted to pursue the "normal" things a teenage male would pursue and some relationships were born out of that. They didn't last very long though as I lack a lot of what is needed to make it work - I'm not physically attracted to other humans and frankly there always comes a point where I'd rather just be alone with the dog. Moving the clock forward a bit I did pursue another relationship with a male zoo but this ended in the same way for the same reasons.

I think I've found a happy medium in my life where I have really close zoo friends that I can connect with when I need that face to face human connection and I have my canine companions at home. I am happy and fulfilled.

That honestly sounds like a good balance.

I've been in my fair share of human relationships, even managed to once marry and have kids but at the end of the day, no human can or has ever given me what a dog can in the sense of emotional connection. Likewise, there is some strange allure that I have to wanting a human as well but things always seem to turn out poorly. As far as I can tell, this is due to expectations which humans hold or develop that simply not applicable with canines. I think that perhaps the root cause of these expectations lies in the human psyche being based on herd mentality and as society has become so degenerate and embraced blatantly irrational and  reactive behavior, the need or desire of most tends to be to follow suit, blindly, in this line of thinking regardless of how maniacal it has become.

I whole-heartedly believe that there are still reasonable people out there who can and do make use of their brain for something more than a hammer, are reasonable and aren't anywhere near as reactive as the bulk of the mainstream, however, these folks are getting increasingly hard to find as most of us, now, were and are being born into an indoctrination where being like lemmings is not only the cultural norm but is encouraged and fostered by just about every institution there is.

We've all seen those bumper stickers "My dog is smarter than your kid" and while they're written for amusement, they're also incredibly accurate. I'd go so far as to say that dogs are more intelligent than most adults.They're more adaptive and don't subscribe to our cultural, ideological and social dumbfuckery.



4 hours ago, LycanTheory said:

That honestly sounds like a good balance.

I've been in my fair share of human relationships, even managed to once marry and have kids but at the end of the day, no human can or has ever given me what a dog can in the sense of emotional connection. Likewise, there is some strange allure that I have to wanting a human as well but things always seem to turn out poorly. As far as I can tell, this is due to expectations which humans hold or develop that simply not applicable with canines. I think that perhaps the root cause of these expectations lies in the human psyche being based on herd mentality and as society has become so degenerate and embraced blatantly irrational and  reactive behavior, the need or desire of most tends to be to follow suit, blindly, in this line of thinking regardless of how maniacal it has become.

I whole-heartedly believe that there are still reasonable people out there who can and do make use of their brain for something more than a hammer, are reasonable and aren't anywhere near as reactive as the bulk of the mainstream, however, these folks are getting increasingly hard to find as most of us, now, were and are being born into an indoctrination where being like lemmings is not only the cultural norm but is encouraged and fostered by just about every institution there is.

We've all seen those bumper stickers "My dog is smarter than your kid" and while they're written for amusement, they're also incredibly accurate. I'd go so far as to say that dogs are more intelligent than most adults.They're more adaptive and don't subscribe to our cultural, ideological and social dumbfuckery.


You and Thunder Boy have said it quite well Lycan. I suppose I came off a bit harsh at first. I do enjoy human contact for the more 'complex' things, I'm a super-level nerd, with a love of science and tech. Sadly that's something a Canine can't easily fill. But I can do both, having quite a few human friends (though most are distant, and contacted online) in places like my Zoo Discord are a perfect outlet.

We get to talk, move at our own pace: and more importantly, I have somewhere to be free of indoctrination and free of the 'mob mentality'. You -can- (even as a Zoo) avoid a lot of it in society on places like Twitter, but why hassle with people IMO? That's why places like this are important to me.

Though, off-topic as this has kinda gone now... I do kind of want to make a 'Zoo twitter' for a more open outreach. But I'm not sure for me, the risk would be worth it. I wouldn't post personal details of course.



6 hours ago, LycanTheory said:

That honestly sounds like a good balance.

I've been in my fair share of human relationships, even managed to once marry and have kids but at the end of the day, no human can or has ever given me what a dog can in the sense of emotional connection. Likewise, there is some strange allure that I have to wanting a human as well but things always seem to turn out poorly. As far as I can tell, this is due to expectations which humans hold or develop that simply not applicable with canines. I think that perhaps the root cause of these expectations lies in the human psyche being based on herd mentality and as society has become so degenerate and embraced blatantly irrational and  reactive behavior, the need or desire of most tends to be to follow suit, blindly, in this line of thinking regardless of how maniacal it has become.

I whole-heartedly believe that there are still reasonable people out there who can and do make use of their brain for something more than a hammer, are reasonable and aren't anywhere near as reactive as the bulk of the mainstream, however, these folks are getting increasingly hard to find as most of us, now, were and are being born into an indoctrination where being like lemmings is not only the cultural norm but is encouraged and fostered by just about every institution there is.

We've all seen those bumper stickers "My dog is smarter than your kid" and while they're written for amusement, they're also incredibly accurate. I'd go so far as to say that dogs are more intelligent than most adults.They're more adaptive and don't subscribe to our cultural, ideological and social dumbfuckery.


Well said. I do my best in life to avoid making blanket or absolute statements because nothing in life is usually as black and white as we might initially believe. There very much are reasonable, good and decent people out there. It is true there is no shortage of horrible ones but there thankfully are plenty of good folks and I think we turn away from people entirely at our own peril.

I think one of the biggest problems humans have relationship wise is the unrealistic expectations people place on one another. If people could just be free, open and honest then the entire thing could work a lot better. Sadly the ideal relationship that humanity seems to have created for itself causes people to be more closed and dishonest resulting in inevitable problems down the line when our more natural side reveals itself.


On 2/23/2019 at 5:34 PM, WinterGreenWolf said:


Though, off-topic as this has kinda gone now... I do kind of want to make a 'Zoo twitter' for a more open outreach. But I'm not sure for me, the risk would be worth it. I wouldn't post personal details of course.


I've got a zoo Twitter for public outreach and I'm not sure if anyone in the mainstream reads any of what I say. It seems to me that the only feedback I get from non-zoos tends to be the typical "aninals can't consent" but I have had good luck convincing some people that being a zoo isn't bad or evil so...

I'd say it's worth a shot and everyone we are able to educate to some degree is a step in the right direction.

On 2/23/2019 at 7:34 PM, Thunder-Bay-Syd said:


I think one of the biggest problems humans have relationship wise is the unrealistic expectations people place on one another. If people could just be free, open and honest then the entire thing could work a lot better. Sadly the ideal relationship that humanity seems to have created for itself causes people to be more closed and dishonest resulting in inevitable problems down the line when our more natural side reveals itself.

I agree with this, whole-heartedly. I think that some reasonable expectations can be developed between human partners without causing harm but the expectations that people often bring with them to a relationship (or even friendship for that matter) are not only a poor fit but often times ridiculous.

I could write a book on social expectations but the TL;DR of it is, I believe they're essentially setting oneself up for disappointment.



7 hours ago, LycanTheory said:

I've got a zoo Twitter for public outreach and I'm not sure if anyone in the mainstream reads any of what I say. It seems to me that the only feedback I get from non-zoos tends to be the typical "aninals can't consent" but I have had good luck convincing some people that being a zoo isn't bad or evil so...

I'd say it's worth a shot and everyone we are able to educate to some degree is a step in the right direction.

Already begun the process actually thanks to some zoo friends in my DIscord. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> Just have to get past the Twitter 'auto-lock' algorithm that's taking the piss on me for some reason. Oh well, filed an appeal and working that out.

7 hours ago, LycanTheory said:

I agree with this, whole-heartedly. I think that some reasonable expectations can be developed between human partners without causing harm but the expectations that people often bring with them to a relationship (or even friendship for that matter) are not only a poor fit but often times ridiculous.

I could write a book on social expectations but the TL;DR of it is, I believe they're essentially setting oneself up for disappointment.


Pretty much it exactly. People are unrealistic even in friendships, and will often either fail due to unrealistic expectations, or lack of communication and perspective. An even more precise view: they can't remove their own filters or optics enough (think 'DDG' from the teachings of Neural Linguistic Programming..) to see or attempt to understand other perspectives and the choices they can unlock.



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