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A project in planning for Zoophilia resources / info.

So, been a long-ass time since I've posted an actual thread instead of a pop-in and leave hasn't it? Well, I've been BUSY as all living shit in real life and also working on some other Zoo related projects.

I've gained a bit of an (in)famous rep. due to some of my opinions, lack thereof, and whatnot: as you do. But, there's something I want to jaw a bit about here. I know some folks in these parts think it's going top be a useless endeavor, if you think so fair to you. 

Myself and another elder Zoo from the community have decided to start banding people together to start a little Zoophile expression, information, safety, and history project. Obviously this project will encompass more as we grow, but it's going to take time. As this forum was one place that made me communicate more with the community, talk to level-headed people, and of course sort of 'validate' some of the more 'level headed' stances I take on the topic of Zoophilia and Bestiality: I figured I'd reach out here for some potential interest in this.

Some basic principals of the project:

- NO Bestiality, anatomy and even anatomy-only material, as well as disease info, safe practices, ethical stances etc are permitted.

- Wiki format: NO forums, 'social media', 'Mastodon' and so on, this is for informational purposes and display, not arguments with idiots.

- Review: all contributions will have to pass council / review process before posted to the site, a few core members will have posting and management right over their 'sections'.

- Apolitical: whether left, right, anarchist, etc.. it does NOT matter, if you want to help you can, BUT: you must keep ALL political bias, and politics out of an article or submission AS MUCH as possible! If we find it, then we'll ask for a rework or remove said political statements. We need support on ALL sides, and not just 'one' is going to give it to us.

- Privately hosted: this project will be on it's own domain and hardened server with a CDN, we aren't chancing security nor are we using 'quick site' services.

- Communication: you MUST be willing to talk, and even voice call, as much as this puts people off it's MUCH easier to communicate a point over voice than blind text. This is also how we know you're dedicated. We MAY accept text-only input if you're a known face, or of some other issue comes up that prevents voice-to-voice.

- Meetings: there will be meetings, likely twice a month or so, maybe more or less in the beginning. These will be to track the state of the project, interactions, and state of affairs.

I also talk on it / ramble some about it in this video, this is a YT link with no age restriction or anything:

<iframe allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" height="150" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/OTeQDXEmi4A?feature=oembed" title="[SPECIAL EP3] WG's ramblings, and a bigger plan for the future of Zoo." width="200"></iframe>


I check the forum regularly, so feel free to contact me here in the thread, in PM, or via my Telegram or Discord.

Telegram: @WinterGreenWolf

Discord: Winter Green#2558

Side note: we may end up using a platform like a self-hosted Matric, or Telegram for the project. Discord as a no as it's too easy for Discord T&S (trust and safety) to spy, and Discord is VERY uneven on it's ToS, what it allows, and what it doesn't.

Thanks for your time, and we hope to see you in the project if you feel up to making some real change and contributing.

Oh and that's another one I forgot to mention: contributions to the project can be as known or as anonymous as you wish them to be.



Sounds good, this is something that’s definitely worth a shot. I look forward to working with you!


Fell free to contact me if you're interested. We can certainly use people.



Wishing you all the best.  By all means go for it! 


Thanks HH, appreciate it. You're definitely a Zoo I disagree with on a few nitpickey things, but I still respect your views.

Our biggest issue now is getting people who don't have their brain hotwired to their arses. We've got a few good ones, but I'm sure as you know, good folk can be hard to come by for something like this.



I would be up but... Is this a website project? Or a chatroom?


48 minutes ago, Zoramora said:

I would be up but... Is this a website project? Or a chatroom?

It will likely be a website, but we need a group of people and contributions that are for serious change of the state of the community for a more positive outlook.



i think i might be up for it but what do i have to do to be included...


I sent you a reply in your DM. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />

Sorry, not for me.  I'm just going too off the grid to be of much use.  No way you are getting me on the phone or talking these days.  Good luck though.


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