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Hello everyone! :)

Hello! You can call me Scotch, and they/them pronouns will work for me. I discovered I was a zoo about five years ago, and now that I’m of age, I’m making it my priority to become an active member of the community and something of a rights activist. I hope to put my writing skills and knowledge in biology, psych, and law to use for the bettering of the community.

As for me personally, I am primarily canid-romantic, meaning I am mostly just romantically attracted to canines, specifically some breeds of domestic dogs. I am also a rough collie therian, sfw human pup, and furry. Unfortunately, I cannot share much about myself as it could be publicly recognized and I am not, and do not want to become any time soon, out.

I’m always open to talk about absolutely anything at anytime, just drop me a line!


'ello Scotch! Nice to have more writers on this forum.






Are you freezing your cheeks off in the northern hemisphere, or enjoying summer somewhere else?


hello welcome.  I look forward to seeing your <written> stuff


8 hours ago, heavyhorse said:


Are you freezing your cheeks off in the northern hemisphere, or enjoying summer somewhere else?

I am in fact in the northern hemisphere, Appalachia specifically, so yes I am definitely a bit chilly right now haha


Appalachia RULES!  I'm in the Ga hills.  Holler if you get down this way, we can have a sarsaparilla...


Kinda late, but welcome. It's good to see other kinfolk, and hopeful young folk joining around here.


hello and welcome - well known - i like dewar's  myself...


Pour the Dewars back in the horse and get some Pappy's, or if you're cheap, Blanton's.



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