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The white wolf

     This is the story of the year that I dropped off the grid and lived in the wilderness. I started in the spring time several years ago, I've always had a close connection to nature, so I decided to become closer with it..
   My goals were to be completely self reliant, and live free of modern society.. The only thing I brong with me was clothes, a military canvas tent, my knife, a colapsable wood stove, a crossbow, and a few other essential survival tools. All packed in a rolling suitcase..
    So I set out for a long journey, it took days of traveling through deep wilderness, and several nights of sleeping on a bed of leaves until I found my spot to set camp. I picked a clearing in the woods about 2 miles from a natural flowing spring..
    It didn't take long to set up camp, as my tent was a hex shape one with a single center pole, and tie out strings for tension. I started to forage around the area, picking wild edible fruits, I had my crossbow strapped to my back incase I ran into some game..
   After hours spent loading fruit into a sack, I started to head back to camp. On the way back I spotted a buck about 200 yards away in the clearing.. I grabbed for my bow and took the shot..
   The shot was good, and the buck made zig zag running motions and fell to the ground.. I walked up to him and gut and skinned him in the field.. And caried the remains back to camp, we're I processed most of the meat, and made jerky..
   I also sun dried all of the fruit I had collected and after a long day of work, I indulged in the food and went to bed...
  This became a daily routine for weeks, I'd wake up forage and hunt, and come back to camp and eat and rest.. A pretty simple life, but it's exactly what I wanted; but then something happened..
      I woke up one morning to a yelping sound off in the distance.. Startled by the sound I grabbed my crossbow and headed out to investigate, I walked about a quarter mile into the woods, and that's where I found her...
     A pure white wolf had its leg caught in a bear trap.. I saw that she was hurting and I had to help.. So I put down my crossbow and started to approach her..
I Was immediately greeted by a snarl and low growl.. I stopped in my tracks and spoke calm soothing words, as I preceeded to slowly approached her again after a brief moment of showing I meant no harm.. She showed no further signs of feeling threatened..
    As I got closer I started to inspect her wounds, her leg was caught on the far end of the trap, and her wounds didn't look too severe but would need stitches.. I proceeded to open gherkin trap.. Once free she tried to run but made it about three feet and fell down...
   I told her easy girl, and I approached her, she greeted my hand with a gentle sniff and I proceeded by petting her... I then picked her up with no fighting about it from her and carried her back to camp..
   When we got back to camp I laid her down in the tent and went out and gathered medicinal herbs and brong them with me and made a cream to put in her wounds.. I took some stitches out of my first aid kit, and pinned her down with a knee..
  She seemed uncomfortable with me doing this but it had to be done.. I proceeded to stich her leg up, it took about 30 minutes and she had passed out half way through it from shock..

    I felt so sorry for her, but I had to protect her, help her heal, something just told me it was the right thing to do.. She woke up about 10 minutes after I had finished with a groggy look in her eyes.. I feed her some raw meat and gave her water to drink..
  When she was finished she laid down and I slowly approached her and sat down next to her, and pet her for what seemed like hours. Talking to her in a gentle tone.. She fell asleep and I did also next to her, this beautiful wild animal..


Let me know if I should continue to tell this story or what you guys think about it


No reply [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img] I'll just continue then...  
      I woke up early the next morning and she was still sleeping, so I went off to gather some food, and bathe.. When I got back to camp she was prowling around the tent sniffing around..  
       Her ears perked up as she saw me walking towards camp.. She approached me and sat down looking at what I was carrying with enthusiasm.. 
I'd caught several squirrels with an old rope trick I learned when I was young.. I looked at her and said OK girl and threw her one..
She tore the squirrel apart, ate the meat, and drank some water I had in a bowl for her.. When she was done she walked back over to me and laid down..
   She rolled onto her stomach and I saw that as a sign of her saying I was the alpha, and she trusts me, as wolves rarely ever expose their stomach as it's a vaunerable position..
  I responded with a gentle rub to her stomach, and her inner thighs avoiding getting to close to her wounds.. As I had her in a calm mood I put more healing herbs in the cuts, and told her how good of a girl she was being..
    Weeks passed by and she healed up great.. She was running along the camp now, and hunting, but she'd never leave for long, and came back several times with animals she'd caught.. I started to rely on her as much as she had me..
  I never thought that a day would come were I could claim a wolf as my own but it did, and something hit me.. I still hadn't named her yet.. "faith" that's what her name will be.. Because she gave me faith and I was hers in her weakest moment...
To be continued


Only Pic I still have of her, she was truly majestic

[Image: Faith.thumb.jpg.cdcb21bd13615f7101c9ce065b5f4cf0.jpg]

I'd like to see the details fleshed out a bit more, but even with-out it is a good story.


I'd like to see the details fleshed out a bit more, but even with-out it is a good story.
Thank you for the compliment; this happened several years ago, and some days are kinda foggy to me, so im only including events I can vividly remember... I'm a little confused by what you mean "fleshed out"??



  Weeks passed by and our bond grew stronger; it's amazing how dog like this beautiful wolf acted, reminded me of a pit bull I used to have named Bella.. She was very full of energy now and always wanted to wrestle around with me..
  Me and faith were playing one day when she turned around facing away, yet looking over her shoulder and flagged her tail.. It hadn't occurred to me that she'd be going into heat any time soon, as I was so preoccupied with just spending time getting to know her..
    But I couldn't stop staring at that vulva.. It was pitch black even with her being a white wolf.. Her vulva had swelled to a decent size; but you could make out some pink in the slit..
  She wants you to mate with her, was the first thought that crossed my mind.. But what if she changes her mind and attacks, she is after all a wild animal...
   I thought over it for a good couple minutes and decided that the urge to try was to strong.. I started to wrestle with her again, and after a minute of that, she stood up and flagged her tail another time..
   This time I responded by gently rubbing her lips with my finger, her tail switched to the other side and she lifted her vulva, so I took that as consent from her, and slipped a finger in and gently stroked her clit...
  Imediately she started humping so I continued this for a minute and withdrawed.. I then got down on my knees and started to lick her, around her vulva; above it, teasing her.. She responded each time with another flag and lift.. So I stuck my tongue inside her flicking her clit with it..
   That's when she done something I've rarely had any dog do.. She started humping down on my face.. So I tried to match her movements with my tongue.. By now I was hard as a rock, so I took out my tool and started stroking it..
   She humped for what seemed like around 5 minutes until her body went stiff; she threw her head back, and my face started getting wet with her fluids; all I remember at that point was the taste.. It was amazing.. Can't really describe it even if you've experienced it before..
  She jumped off and ran around camp a couple times, with what I sware was a grin on her face.. And came right back to me, flagging again.. So I got up behind her and rubbed the tip of my cock on her opening, she lifted her vulva up and I pushed right in...
   I'm surprised I didn't come right away, her pussy was so tight and warm, and just the though of the fact that I was having sex with a wolf was very arousing.. I've always felt a close affinity to wolfs, they are my favorite wild animal, and also my spirit guide, as I've been a pagan/shaman for most of my life..
  Anyways back to the story.. I slowly thrust in and out, while gently stroking her clit with a free hand.. I could feel her getting wetter by the moment, and that just pushed me further into ecstatic bliss..
   The contractions in her vagina increased so did my speed of humping.. Her body went rigid and she threw her head back, by now I was basically laying over her, mounting her like a dog would, when she threw her head back her face meant mine..
   She started licking my face so I opened my mouth and she stuck her tongue in.. That's when I started to feel her getting really wet and her muscles gripped and released on my cock with great force...
  It threw me over the edge, with her tongue down my throat I made grunting sounds as I exploded jet after jet of seed in her.. It felt like my orgasm lasted forever, when all reality it was prolly a minute or so..
  With each spurt of seed I could feel her muscles squeeze my cock, like her body knew what was happening.. After I had finished I stayed in her until I went soft and slipped out..
  I hugged her really tight and praised her, told her how beautiful she was and how much I enjoyed her being around, I didn't realize it up until this point but I had started to fall for a wild wolf.....
  Shortly after we had finished I decided to take her to the river to clean up with me, and we spent hours there, me giving her affection and just taking in the true magnificence of what had just happened..


It hard to believe this was 7 years ago.. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/huh.png[/img] Wow time has passed by quick..


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