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Roll Call, let us know you're still here...

I've gotten stepped on from that. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" />

On 9/1/2018 at 2:34 PM, heavyhorse said:

Bweep!  Bweep!  Bweep!  Bweep!

*Draft horse backing up*


Seriously.  That happens.  Never scratch that itchy place without enough room to turn a cement truck around.  >.<  


Ok, I might have laughed a little.

You guys need warning lights.


OK, back.  Again.  From "This page not working, try deleting cookies".


1 hour ago, heavyhorse said:

OK, back.  Again.  From "This page not working, try deleting cookies".

Stop trotting so hard, dammit!  You're knocking the forum offline and making earthquakes in Japan!



Resident Hyaena ^..^


Still here...again... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />

One tiny word of criticism towards the site´s staff: could you please announce downtimes beforehand? At least when these downtimes are caused by maintenace of this site? Last time Í was fighting through a lenghthy reply on a PM I received....and when I finally finished it and pressed "send", the friggin´ site was down and my reply lost. I don´t know if staff is to blame here, but if you guys running this site can predict any future downtimes, please let us users know beforehand. Thank you.


Neither was a planned downtime. Both were a surprise to me.



Nah.  Stuff never breaks without warning....... 




*Ford announces recall of 2 million F150's because the seat belts may burst into flames and burn the truck down*


On 9/7/2018 at 9:43 AM, 30-30 said:

Last time I was fighting through a lengthy reply on a PM I received....and when I finally finished it and pressed "send", the friggin´ site was down and my reply lost.

I've lost count of how many times a forum has choked on a large block of text I had just spent considerable time typing and had it disappear.  Some years ago, I got into the habit of writing my longer posts in a favorite text editor / word processor, then copy-and-pasting onto the forum.  It does wonders for your blood pressure.


4 hours ago, DingoJay said:

I've lost count of how many times a forum has choked on a large block of text I had just spent considerable time typing and had it disappear.  Some years ago, I got into the habit of writing my longer posts in a favorite text editor / word processor, then copy-and-pasting onto the forum.  It does wonders for your blood pressure.

Indeed.  Or at least hit "Copy" before you hit "Submit", so you can paste somewhere if things go tits-up.


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