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Suing because dogs raped him

I can't find the article about it now, but a guy in the UK was breaking into house by using the doggy door but got stuck. Well the couples  two Shepard's ripped off his shorts and then proceeded to enjoy their time with him untill the thief called the police, and now he is taking the owners to court.  Wish I could find the link to see if it is really or satire


I'm thinking it sounds just a bit too convenient.  In absence of credible source to verify I'm going with someone's fantasy. 


WAY too many plot-holes in this story.


I thought the same. I'll keep looking for that story so you all can read it 


one of those tabloid type news sites i would guess


this what snopes has to say about it...as articwolf suspected...




Like I said, too many plot holes ...

(1) If the dog-door was big enough for a full-sized GSD, an average-sized man should have been able to get through ...

(2) ... but maybe the perp had a really fat ass and got stuck there? Then the dogs only had access to the lower half of him, about from the belly-button down ... how are they going to mount him at all? Can a GSD fuck while standing pretty much straight up against a door? Try to picture that.

(3) But maybe the would-be robber tried to back out of the dog-door when the assault began. He could have gotten all the way out and tried to escape, or at least roll up into a ball on the ground, but ...

(4) ... he just got far enough out for them to pounce on him, and then stopped there--on all fours? Okay, maybe he did roll up in a ball--but then he put up with the abuse for 90 minutes before calling for help. Is that how long it took for him to quit enjoying it? I figure each of the dogs had three full goes at him: mount, tie, turn, and hold the tie for ~15 minutes before yanking the knot out.

All in all, a very badly written piece of fiction.



1)  I'm not a big guy, like 150 Lbs, and I have some considerable difficulty going through the doggy doors my Dane girls use. 

2)  I have heard tell of bitches getting pregnant through a chain link fence dog pen.  I'm assuming the male stood sideways instead of straight up.  Don't know, never seen it, but like they say, "nature will find a way", though rarely I admit. 

4)  Agreed.  Hard to imagine not being able to stop it for 90 minutes.  I have on occasion turned around and pinned a poor-mannered jack donkey who had the poor judgement to try to mount me, on his back on the ground. 

So yes, fantasy by someone who doesn't even know much about what he's talking about. 

2 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

I have heard tell of bitches getting pregnant through a chain link fence dog pen.

Sounds like pure mythology to me. Think about it: would you stick your dick through a chain-link fence? All the ones I've seen have nasty lumps in the zinc coating, and the very design of the product practically guarantees that any flesh pushing through it is going to get viciously pinched in the corners when the fence flexes.

I don't doubt that a desperately horny bitch would shove her twat up against the fence; I have a couple of mating videos showing bitches backing up to a dog and shoving themselves against him. I just can't see the physiology permitting a dog to get his dick through the fence at all, and I'm sure that he'd regret it instantly if he could.

Does anyone have video of such an incident?


No proof; this is why I said "heard tell".  And I doubt the male would consider the consequences beforehand.  Shit, most humans don't.  Otherwise we wouldn't be up to our buttcheeks in rugrats....


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