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What type of hobbies do you have?

Yet another photographer and night telescope guy. My telescope is a portable refractor, because I live in a harsh climate where a mirror system would not last long. Also love to do microscopy, and work in my wild garden.


I have too many hobbies and not enough time. I've had a Ham Radio license since I was a kid, but I'm not too active there lately.  I love any kind of old machinery and other old tech.  Hydroelectric power, big, small, antique or modern fascinates me!  I would have a barn full of old tractors and hit-'n-miss, one-lunger engines if I had a barn... 

 I do collect guns, especially Cold War relics and WWII stuff.  The prices on anything interesting have gone crazy the past few years, though.

  I dabble in photography and have a fair amount of my work online.  Paranoia precludes me from sharing the location here, unfortunately.

 I build computers for fun and used to build them for others, until those panicked calls started coming at 2 AM, "Help!! I have a term paper due at 8 and I'm getting blue screens!"  Not fun.


I build and wear fursuits. Lots of fun to be had with that! My best/fave suit so far is a large breed dog.

Art is a hobby for me, and one that I do make money with. I've posted some of my zoo-centered work to other zoo forums before. I specialize in furry art and have started dabbling more seriously in anatomical illustration. I've also just started to get back into writing, working on short spooky stories and drafting for a larger project.

I'm trying to get into obedience training. Currently I'm at a very beginner level and my dog and I can't go to any classes yet due to his behavior issues.


I just tend to spend a lot of time with (behind) my computers ...Sometimes it even can be helpful for others, because I run Linux (Slackware) and usually report encountered bugs, and try to help in  fixing them....


7 hours ago, Andrew-R said:

I just tend to spend a lot of time with (behind) my computers ...Sometimes it even can be helpful for others, because I run Linux (Slackware) and usually report encountered bugs, and try to help in  fixing them....

You have something in common with a few folks here. I'll leave it up to them to introduce themselves. I will however welcome you to the forum.



Oh, the obligatory "What hobbies do you have" thread...;)

Well, let´s see...I´m into reading quite a lot, especially a fan of Terry Pratchett´s Discworld books, but I also am into 70´s psychedelic literature and have a nice collection of Timothy Leary´s books. I´m massively interested in anarchy and have lots of books about it, my favourite anarchist would be Bakunin.

Besides the reading, I´m making music every now and then. I played in one of the oldest death metal/grindcore bands that are still around these days when I was younger, but my musical tastes became a lot more diverse during the upcoming of dance  and Tekkno music. I also like some German rap/hiphop artists a lot. I still own the Roland VS 1880, a fully functional standalone harddisc recording device I save my musical ideas to and work on them when I find the time.

I´m also a freak for tattoos and tattooing, I´m nearly completely covered except my legs, hands, face and genital area...have done some tattoos myself too as I was lucky enough to become a very close friend to my tattooist who taught me the basics of his art. Sadly, I had to abandon that as I grew older because my eyes turned weaker when it comes to close ranges...I´d even say that the hours of staring at a tiny area may have contributed to that a lot. Well, today I still draw a lot, I paint my own T-shirts (can upload pictures of that if someone wants to see) and am beyond my "Bob Ross" phase of "alla fresca" painting style.

My newest hobby would be airsoft. Last year, I scored a good AEG, an Ares Amoeba 013, went to my first skirms, almost spat out my lungs (damn weed smoking [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> ), but enjoyed it so much that I quickly added a decent airsoft sniper rifle to my collection as well as an automatic pistol as a  secondary weapon . Funny, I´m a complete pacifist and still dress like a motherf´in soldier once a month...;) 

And "gardening"...yeah, that´s one of my hobbies too....not so much growing my own food, that I do for solely practical reasons, but growing and crossbreeding weed strains. It´s a fun hobby and gives you tons of grams of "benefit" [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />



11 hours ago, 30-30 said:

Oh, the obligatory "What hobbies do you have" thread...;)

After reading the posts that came after my flippant, "Goats & Guns" post,  I realize that this is probably one of the better threads here.

 Yea, for many of us our animals are a hobby. Going out and petting my various critters is quite good therapy.

As is making steel plates ring. I'm old enough to have had some hobbies come and go.

I still have my ham license, more camera equipment then you can pick up all at once, horology, knives, cigars I'm not  suppose to smoke, and a rather large microphone collection.

But as to why this is a good thread.

Well it shows that we're not just a bunch of degenerates that only think about sex with animals.

It's easy to get that impression if one looks at the posts on this site, but one needs to remember that this is one of the few places we can freely talk about our unusual sexual partners. 

It truly is good to see we're such a diverse group of people.



3 hours ago, Ramseys said:

After reading the posts that came after my flippant, "Goats & Guns" post,  I realize that this is probably one of the better threads here.

 Yea, for many of us our animals are a hobby. Going out and petting my various critters is quite good therapy.

As is making steel plates ring. I'm old enough to have had some hobbies come and go.

I still have my ham license, more camera equipment then you can pick up all at once, horology, knives, cigars I'm not  suppose to smoke, and a rather large microphone collection.

But as to why this is a good thread.

Well it shows that we're not just a bunch of degenerates that only think about sex with animals.

It's easy to get that impression if one looks at the posts on this site, but one needs to remember that this is one of the few places we can freely talk about our unusual sexual partners. 

It truly is good to see we're such a diverse group of people.


I think that's an excellent point.

It even translates into my work.  People might be quite surprised what a "brainless barnyard fucker" can do with his life... heh.


Oh, you two guys @Rannoch @Ramseys....I somehow admire your innocence and the way you view the world....

But do you really think that some hobbies will change the "barnyard fucker" image most of the normals do have of us? Like, if Ted Bundy was a stamp collector, woud that make him a more likeable mass murderer? [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> "Yeah, he killed a lot of people, but he was a dedicated stamp collector, therefor his murders aren´t that unbearable anymore"...Don´t fool yourselves, guys. Of course threads like this add some "approachability" to us animal fuckers, but no hobby in the world will win you a friend, because the "animal fuckery" overshadows everything else we do in the mind of Joe Average. 

Want an example? Here you go:

"What? You animal fucker have an interest in photography? I bet you´re shooting animal dicks all day and jerking off to your pic collection!"

"What? You grow weed? I bet it´s only because your perversions need drugs to get along, you sick pothead!"

"What? You are interested in drawing and painting? I bet all you draw and paint is this retarded furry porn shit, you creep!"

See where this is going, guys? 

Oh, and don´t get me wrong, I never criticised this thread , it only amused me to see the typical and generic "What hobbies do you have?" thread like it exists in literally any other zoo forum. The only benefit I can see here is that these kinds of threads can make the picture a user has of another user more complete, you can make more reliable guesses on what type of guy user X is. Artistical, sportive, nerd or whatever...but please, guys, don´t overestimate the effects of unveiling our hobbies. In this forum that´s hardly visited by non zoos (it´s hardly visited by actual zoos, btw...pretty little traffic and even less participation), the actual effect of adding another dimension to us animal fuckers is completely negligable.



The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.   Friedrich Nietzsche<br style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#333333;font-size:14px;" />
Meaning I don't care what the outside world thinks.

As I said in my previous post. "It truly is good to see we're such a diverse group of people."

Make of that, what you will.



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