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In the end he ran down the dusty road to get to the house and call the ambulance. Though Jim did not play high school sports he could run as fast as any member of the track team. He covered the last two miles in under 15 minuets. But as he jumped the stairs on the front porch his lungs where on fire and he just wanted to vomit.

He reached for the door but it opened and his father walked out of the house and almost into the boy.


16 hours ago, Bear28 said:

In the end he ran down the dusty road to get to the house and call the ambulance. Though Jim did not play high school sports he could run as fast as any member of the track team. He covered the last two miles in under 15 minuets. But as he jumped the stairs on the front porch his lungs where on fire and he just wanted to vomit.

He reached for the door but it opened and his father walked out of the house and almost into the boy.

! ! !  


Jim fell on his ass in shock. Was he going crazy? The man he had left in the road had been his dad but the man stood before him with no injuries.

"What's wrong boy?" Fred asked as he looked down at his son who looked like he had seen a ghost. The boy could do nothing but stare up at his dad in shock and try desperately to catch his breath. 


Jim grabbed his dads hand and dragged him to the old truck. Fred could hardly do anything as the boy pushed him into the passenger door and jumped in the driver seat. Before Fred could protest. Jim fired the truck into life and jammed the manual into gear.

"Now just a god damn second boy!"

Jim seamed not to hear his dad as the truck backfired and he pealed out of the gravel drive way. 


"What the hell has got into you boy?"

Jim just kept speeding down the road until he got to where he had found the bloody body of the man who he thought was his dad. The boy slammed on the breaks slamming Fred into the dash and Jim had the parking break pulled and was out the door before Fred could say another word. He jumped out of the truck behind the boy who was leaning over the bloody body of a man laying in the ditch. Fred picked up his feet to help but came to a complete stop as he looked down into his own unconscious bloody face.


This can't be happening, he thought.

"Dad! Help me!" Jim was struggling to move the man knowing that they had to get him to the hospital. His son's demand snapped him out of his shock and he moved to help get the man into the back of the truck. He still could not get over the fact that this stranger could have been his twin. Neither Fred or Jim could ponder the weirdness of it all because as Jim got the man still in the back of the truck a shot rang out. Jim dove over the side and slid into the drivers seat. Another sound of gunfire range out and the ground around them exploded from the hit. Fred jumped into the back next to the man who could have been his twin as Jim jammed the truck into gear. With the transmission grinding as the panicked boy peeled out as another bullet hit the back of the truck near the rear tire.


(After going back and reading this I saw that I made an error. So had to fix it. Even if it was months after the fact.)


Fred crawled towards the cab of the truck keeping his head down as the boy speed down the dirt road. He looked back down the road, peeking over the bed of the truck, but could not see anyone following them. He slapped the back window to get the boys attention but his son just kept his eyes on the road before them and his foot to the floor. Fred slapped the window again and finally the boy started to slow and then reached back without looking to unlatch the back window. Fred forced the partition open and stuck his head into the cab.

"What the fuck is going on?"

The boy had no answers.


Fear finally lossened it's grip on Jim. He was still in a state of confusion at the events of the past hour. His father was fine, but at the same time the man they had wrestled into the truck had not been. A man who could have been his dad's twin.

Then the shots that had been aimed at them.

The boy just didn't know what was going on. Had aliens landed and where going to replace them all with pod people? That's what they had done in Invasion of the Body Snatchers! Or was it some other syfy horror movie.

"Where do we go?"

Fred looked up from his treatment of the man. He had no idea either of what was going om or the danger they now found themselves.

"Just keep driving...."


Shi'ire paced around the cage that he woke up in. He turned and kicked the door but the lock held against his powerful kicks. 

He snorted in frustration as he continued to pace. he didn't like to be confined.

the cage was made of sturdy metal bars, tightly secured together to prevent his escape. the look seemed impenetrable. Determination to escape filled the powerful stallion and he launched another powerful kick at the door. His powerful hind leg struck the door, sending a resonating thud that shook the cage, yet the lock held firm. He lashed out again but the lock refused to yield.

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