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"Actaeon and Diana" or "Greek Love" (fiction by Actaeon)

"Actaeon and Diana," or, "Greek Love" (under construction)
(Started on Sunday, June 1, 1997)
This is intended as a story outline, ultimately for an animation script. I recently saw "Spike and Mike's Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation," and was somewhat dismayed at the generally average quality of the various short films submitted. There were some truly wonderful animations, with well-formed scripts, which clearly took a lot of effort to produce. I would like to write a script for a zoo-ish short animated film, which will be considered "sick and twisted" by the average viewer, but will be better animation quality, be anatomically realistic, and will actually have a plot to it, self-serving though it may be. : )
Plot Outline
Actaeon (in full human form) is bowhunting in the forest, accompanied by his hunting dogs (at least half a dozen). Most of the dogs are male, but one or two are female. All the males are intact.
Attracted by the sounds of water splashing and women laughing, Actaeon enters a clearing, to discover the goddess Diana (aka Artemis) bathing in a shallow pool. She is nude, and accompanied by several maidens, who are also nude or nearly so. It is a tranquil scene, and the women are annoyed to see Actaeon intrude upon their midst. Diana, more annoyed than most, splashes water in Actaeon's face, transforming him into a stag.
Actaeon's dogs are first alarmed at the change, but then see their former master as prey and begin advancing on him, growling and snapping their jaws. Actaeon bends down and wags his hoof at his favorite dog, beckoning him closer. Actaeon then whispers into the dog's ear, and the dog's eyes widen in surprise. The dog returns to his fellow hounds, and they form a huddle to discuss what Actaeon has suggested. Their response quickly follows: the answer is "yes."
Actaeon then removes the tattered clothing he once wore, and lies down on his side. One of the male dogs mounts Actaeon from the rear and begins humping the daylights out of him. Another mounts Actaeon's face and is quickly fellated. A third and fourth male position themselves over his front hooves and allow the stag to masturbate them. A female dog trots up to Actaeon's sheath, and it takes only a few licks to stimulate him. Once he is erect, the female turns around and slides herself onto Actaeon's penis.
What follows is rather predictable: mass canine/cervine orgy, right there at the water's edge. Canine semen starts shooting all over the place, including the "camera lens," which an animated rag has to wipe off. Diana, her fellow bathers, and the remaining dogs (all male) are extremely turned on by this scene, and in a few moments, every shaft has found a willing hole. Diana is seized by the largest of the dogs, a Great Dane, and is made love to with great enthusiam.
(At this point, a sign appears on the screen: "20 minutes later..." : )
The dogs are licking themselves clean, and Actaeon and the humans are lying on their backs in the water, relaxing and smoking bubble pipes (God knows we don't want to encourage the use of tobacco : ). Actaeon feels a hand stray to his belly, then to his sheath, and turns to see that Diana has not yet been completely satisfied. With another splash of water, Actaeon becomes half-human, half-stag, and Diana climbs onto his belly, stroking his sheath with her hips until he is ready to enter her.
Actaeon reaches a now-human hand around Diana to hold her to him, then stands on his hind legs, lifting her from the water and letting her ride his body. They thrust against each other, their passions mounting. The dogs and maidens, again aroused, eye each other greedily, and quickly form 69-positions in the pool. Those dogs not accompanied by human partners entertain themselves with an orgy of their own.
Diana and Actaeon climax together, moaning into the cool forest air. Their orgasms are soon joined by the other women; the dogs, of course, have been coming since they first entered their partners. (I want this to be biologically accurate. : )
As Diana rests her head on the man-stag's shoulder, she has strength enough to bring her mouth to Actaeon's ear. She asks a single question: "Same time next week?" Exhausted, Actaeon nods, and they exchange a deep kiss as the camera fades. (Yes, I know, "Awww, how sweet." : )
So, do we have any animators out there willing to take on such a task?


I never read this before ... two things:

* I'd suggest not breaking the 'fourth wall', that is, addressing the audience, as it were, with the spooge on the 'camera lens' and with the '20 minutes later'. Okay, maybe these aren't examples of addressing the audience, but they have the same effect: they take the audience's attention away from the story and shift it to the production.

* I don't see a strong character arc here, and to me, this is the major failing of most pornography. What makes a story interesting is when one or more of the characters have something to lose and have to struggle to keep it ((or gain it in the first place). An example off the top of my head: some important character gets killed and has to be magically revived, but since nothing is free, that will cost, for instance, the sacrificial destruction of some part of the Sacred Forest. You can stick orgies in anywhere on a plot like that.

Hope this helps.


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