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Road Rovers

Well since I can't seam to get anything new written.

Here's a moldy old-y I penned a couple decades ago.

For those of you that remember the old Road Rovers cartoon show.

Well you probably know where this is going.  



F/MMMMM, NC, Bestial

With regards to the late Road Rovers.

And WB.

And the usual,

If your offended by;


Non-consensual Sex,


Or Under AGE!

Your in the WRONG place!    So!.. BE GONE!

To those that stay, I hope you enjoy my efforts.

And I'm sure I've stepped on someone toesies! Sorry. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />

Feb. 4, 1998

The Road Rovers get Groomed!

"Hunter! Have you gone MAD!" Blitz, as usual was cringing in the

back of the ATV, shrieking.

"For once I have to agree with Blitz, comrade.. Have you lost your

tiddley winks?" Exile grumbled from the right seat.

Shag was still whining from having Groomer land in his lap!

Hunter glanced at the other Road Rovers in the vehicle.

"Relax! She's out cold... and Gen. Parvo will be too busy trying to

get his 'cani-o-mutants' rounded back up and calmed down to

notice that Groomer is gone."

Again Blitz's German accent came from the back seat. "What are

you going to do with her? She's a bad woman!"

This time Hunter just smiled and gave Exile a wink.

The Husky just stared at his pack leader for a bit.. Then suddenly

the light of realizing what Hunter had in mind, crept in to his icy

blue eyes.

"Hunter.... What you are planning to do with human female..

'Master' will now like it!.. Neyt!"

"What won't the 'Master' like?" Blitz howled.

"Just keep your fur on, and you'll see." Hunter grinned.

Noticeably absent was Colleen. She had taken the rescued prince

back to safety in the small two seat plane that they 'borrowed"

from Parvo. The rest of the Rovers where making their way,

through dense undergrowth, and 'old growth' forest, back to the

base by a large open, six-wheeled ATV.

Groomer had been blown into a tree during the fight. And had hung

over a branch, unconscious, until Hunter backed into that tree, with

the ATV, shaking her lose, and dropping into Shag's lap!

Hunter noted she was still alive, and for the most part, unhurt. And

then took off, into the forest, with his prize!

The vehicle lurched over ruts, and around trees, tossing the

occupants around. Groomer gave a soft groan. Reaching into a

storage compartment, Hunter pawed a set of hand-cuffs to Shag.

"Here.. Put these on her, and strap her into a seat. Until we can put

some distance between us and Parvo." Shag did as his leader


After a couple hours of travel, Hunter slowed the lumbering vehicle

into a small clearing.

"Who's up for lunch?" Hunter barked happily.

Shag had the hibachi fired up even before the ATV came to a full

stop! Blitz scampered off behind some trees. And Exile turned to

check on Groomer.

"How is she?" Asked Hunter.

"She's Okie-Dokie, comrade. She should be waking up soon."

The big Husky leans closer to the equally big American Mongrel,

speaking softly he asks.

"Hunter.. You ever do this, (Exile nods towards the still sleeping

woman.), with a human before?"

Hunter grinned and said. "Yea.. At the pound, one of the keepers

there would take me home with her some nights.."

Exiles' eyes got as big as saucers! "Wow!... You American's really

know how to take care of their pets!"

Hunter's expression turned hard... "No, my Siberian friend, they all

don't. Many of us dogs are killed every year, Because no one wants

us... If it hadn't been for Muzzle, I would have been done for too."

Hunter went over to his bound up friend. "Hi'ya Muzzle old pal...

You want to go for a run?"

"Ungh ungh.. " The massive Rottweiler bounces in his travel dolly.

"You going to let crazy dog lose out here in the woods? Neyt!"

Talking to both Exile and Muzzle. "He'll be ok... Wont you big

fella.. As long as there's no men around he'll be just fine."

Exile nods to himself.... "Is true.. I only see him go after men? But


Again a dark cloud passes over Hunter's face... "That!.. I'll tell you

some other time.. Right now, I just want to think about lunch!"

Blitz was returning from the woods, just as Muzzle bounds over the

side of the ATV.

"Aaaaaaaaaah!" Shrieked the Doberman. "Muzzle is loose!.. Save

ME!" And with that, he dove behind Exile, who had just emerged

from the vehicle. Blitz had wrapped himself around the Husky's

waist and was hiding his face in his big bushy tail.

Looking down at the cowardly hound, Exile intoned. "Don't be a

weird boy! Be away from me!.. Muzzle wont hurt you.."

Blitz peeked from behind the Husky.. "What do you mean.. You've

seen him! He's..... "

Exile silenced him.. "Neyt!... He only goes after men!"

"Really?" Blitz wasn't fully convinced.. But he still emerged from

behind his Siberian partner.

"What about Groomer?"

"Nope just MEN!"

Shag had listen to all that was said.. And was having fun watching

the massive black and brown dog race around the clearing. And

when Muzzle began to slow, he called everyone over for some

excellent eats!

After all had a short nap in the sun shine, Hunter wondered over to

the ATV to see about their prisoner. He returned a short time later

with the human. And she was giving him an ear full!

"Just you wait until General Parvo finds you mangey mutts! I'll

give all of you a real close trim.. I'll trim those balls right off you!"

"Feisty, isn't she?" chortled Hunter. Who was dragging her over to

a large flat rock, that was nice and warm from the sun.

"Blitz, fetch some of that rope we have in the tool kit." said


"Why do I have to go fetch it" Whined the Doberman.

"Cause if you don't, you wont get to play a game with us."

"Oh.. Alright, I'll get the rope" 

Blitz trotted off to retrieve the rope. When he brought it over to

Hunter, the other Rovers, and Muzzle, where standing around the

rock. Groomer was still babbling on about what she was going to

do with them.

"My, my.. She sounds, vindictive. Lets say we give her something

to be really pissed at us about?" Hunter grinned wickedly and the

other dogs.

The rock that was before them was of a shale type, and had many

layers to it, making several ridges that ran completely around it.

Hunter unlocked Groomer's hand-cuff, from behind her, only to

snap them back on her with her hands in front of her.

Groomer finally realized, that she was the one, that might be in a bit

of trouble! And was now very quite and she looked from one Rover

to the next.

Hunter opened the snaps on his body armor, and easily slid out of

it. His broad human-morphed chest, was covered in the same brown

fur that covered the parts she could normally see. Speaking of

seeing, Groomer's eyes opened a bit wider as her gaze traveled

down Hunter's body, and she spotted an enormous bulge that was

still covered by his pants.

Hunter noted where Groomer's gaze had landed... "You like what

you see?" He asked? "Lets see what you've got hidden away here."

And with that, the large mongrel dropped to his knees in front of

the woman. Slowly Hunter slid his paws over her shapely hips and

thighs. Every so slowly, Groomer's pants were being tugged off her

body, to reveal a raven colored thatch of fur.

"Oooooo.. Nice." Cooed Hunter, as the material slid down

Groomer's legs, letting the rest of the pack ogle her too.

"W-w-what's Hunter doing?" Whined Blitz.

"Shhh.." Commanded Exile. "Hunter is... How you say... Showing

Groomer that we are also lovers and not just fighters!"

The big Husky, probably had more 'opportunities' than the other

Rovers. After he had stopped the Russian leader from blowing up

the world, by launching the missiles that time during a lunar eclipse!

Exile has enjoyed several 'perks'. Namely, he was given free access

to an all female dog sled team! But he well remembered the times

he wasn't so lucky.. He kept his 'reward' a secret, especially after

he found out that all Hunter got was a new Frisbee!

Turning to the Doberman, Exile asked. "You do like females, don't


"Of corse I do.. What kind of question is that?.. Around the junk

yard, I was known as 'stud dog'!" Blitz puffed out his chest.

"By male or female dogs?" Barbed the husky.

But Blitz's attention wasn't on his comrade, but was staring

'buggie eyed' at his pack leader, that had just swiped his tongue

through the lush black bush of the woman!

Groomer stared at the assembled dog-morphs. "Nice d-d-doggies...

N-n-now go and p-p-play!" was all she could manage to stammer


Hunter stood and look his captive in the eye. The material that

covered his sheath was straining even harder than before!

"Cool!.... You want to play 'doggie' style!" Hunter leered at the

human that was cowering back, before him.

Hunter grabbed Groomer's shoulders, and turned her around, and

forced her to kneel on the ground, before the large rock. Taking the

rope, he tied the middle of it to the hand-cuffs, and tossed the rest

of it to Shag, that was standing on the other side of the rock.

Hunter then motioned for his friend to pull on the rope. Groomer

was pulled forward, to lay prone across the flat surface. 

"Now, tie a knot in the rope just so it keeps her hands out in front

of her, and then run the rest around one of the groves in the sides."

The brown mongrel directed. Glancing at Exile, Hunter saw that

the Husky had picked up on exactly what he wanted done. "Go and

help Shag, will you?"

Exile trotted to the other side of the stone, saw that Shag had the

knot in the proper place. He then took on end of the rope, around

the rock to where Groomer was kneeling, while Shag went around

the other.

"excellent work Rovers!" Exclaimed Hunter as he took the rope

ends and knelt besides the quaking woman. "Now don't worry

none.. We're just going to show you how friendly we Road Rovers

can really be." And with that he tied the ropes to her legs so she

couldn't close them, or crawl up onto the flat rock.

Hunter moved around behind the prostrated woman, and gave her a

few more licks before standing up. Turning to the other Rovers, he

asked. "Ok.. Who's going to show Groomer just how friendly we

can be?"

There was a general murmur and shuttling of paws...

But Muzzle, who had been down wind of the woman all this time,

sucking in her scents, decided that he didn't care what these other

dogs where going to do. He was going to have himself some fun

with that woman!

The big black and brown Rottie pushed past his 'morphed' brethren

to where the woman was spread out before him! Dipping his head

between her legs, he ran his tongue on the lips of her labia.

Muzzle is 100% dog, running on instincts, and the human smelled

close enough to a bitch, that the urge to mate, Howled trough his

body! The Rottie fairly leaped upon Groomer's back! His hind legs

shock with built up energy.

Hunter knelt beside the two, and reached in, to help his best friend

to reach his goal. Muzzle feeling a helping paw, allowed it to guide

his sheath so he was lined up with the female's entrance. Giving a

tentative shove forward, the Rottweiler felt his penis tip slip into

Groomer's moist cunt. Hunter quickly removed his paw, as Muzzle

gave a second, mightier shove! Burying more that half of his canine

cock into the female!

Groomer inhaled sharply as if she were going to scream, but all that

escaped her lips was a soft moan, as Muzzle bucked his hips,

driving more Rottie cock, even deeper into her.

The Rovers stood in a tight semi-circle behind the humping Muzzle.

"Go... Muzzle!" encouraged Hunter.. 

Blitz looked from the mating pair before him, to his leader that just

yelled out to them... Not knowing which was the more bizarre?

Giving a shrug, the Doberman decided to join in. "Hump her

Muzzle!" Blitz's heavy German accent rang out. "Drive your

swanstoonka into her tight tooshie!"

Shag hopped around excitedly, he hoped they all would get a turn

at the human! "Roow roow, woof, arrrroow?"

"What did Shag say comrade?" Asked Exile. Hunter scratched his

head for a second. "I think he said something about doing it a

different way? I'm not sure what he means by that!"

Groomer felt the Rottweiler cock repeatedly thrust into her. This

wasn't the first dog she had ever fucked.. But he was certainly one

of the most energetic! From the first, bone-jarring slam into her,

Muzzle's staccato fucking was quickly bringing her to the brink of

an orgasm!

Years of sexual frustration, poured out of the Rottweiler. His mind

was over whelmed by the animal lust, that bubbled forth, and

ragged through out his body! Powerful loins drove his slick red

penis, deep into the moaning human. With each rapid-fire thrust,

Muzzle's lust was kicked up a notch, until the dog was nothing but

a mass of raging hormones!

The captive human writhed beneath the beast the clung to her back.

Her rope restraints, limited her movements, but she was able to

move her ass in a tight circle, around the thick dog shaft the

hammered into her. Moans of pleasure were pumped from her lips

as the Rottweiler's thrusting became even more forceful!

Muzzle was nearing his first orgasm, ever!

Well, that's not entirely true, Hunter had helped his friend the best

he could with his paws, but this was to be Muzzle's first time to fire

his cum, into a female!

And the big dog was enjoying every second of it! Muzzle's strokes

were short, deep and powerful! Closer and closer the dog drove for


Groomer felt the first blast of warm dog semen splash deep into

her! Quickly followed by several more! Muzzle's warm cum

pumping into her, was all she needed to trigger her own orgasm!

"Oooooo.. Yessssssss....Such a good doggie!..." 

The Rottie slammed his cock full length into her, and held it as deep

as he could, while more gouts of his white fluid, where pumped into

her. The nodes at the base of the dog's penis quickly engorged with

blood, and swelled to lock the spurting organ, within the human


The group of males around the mating pair, gave a collective sigh,

as Muzzle's fucking slowed, and finally stopped, with the now very

happy dog, sprawled across Groomer's back. His swollen cock still

firmly knotted, in her cunt. Each dog silently making his own plans

at to what they wanted to do when it was their turn!

After twenty minuets or so.. Muzzle's cock finally shrank enough

for the dog to free himself from within the depths of Groomer's

cunt. Sliding from her back, the Rottie wondered over to a sunny

patch and laid down to lick himself.

Hunter quickly unfastened his pants from above his tail, and slid

them off, and then took up the now vacant position behind the


"Such a lovely ass." Hunter thought to himself. "To bad there's no

tail!" Reaching down he gripped his own sheath with his paw, and

slid it back to expose the first few inches of morphed-dog-dick. For

the most part the "Trans-dog-maphier" didn't change that part of

Hunter's body all that much. In fact he wondered if Dr. Shepherd didn't

do that on purpose, It meant that the male Road Rovers had to get

down on all fours to piss!

But that wasn't really important right now, as Hunter rubbed the

exposed tip across the puffy wet lips of Groomer's cunt! Easing

himself forward, the massive dog slid his cock into the still

pulsating pussy slit.

"Ohhhh.. Yesss.." Hunter sighed, and he slid all the way in. "This is

much better than fighting!"

Groomer was still coming down from her orgasm, as she felt the

new cock slid into her. Giving a soft moan, she readied herself for

the next male, to mate with her.

Hunter was able to keep his animal instincts under control for now!

And simply held his cock at full penetration, within the woman. He

was savoring the feel of a warm twat around his twitching phallus.

Every so slowly, he pulled it out until just the tip remained inside

her puffy lips. Then he swiftly fucked it back into her. Slowly out,

quickly back.... Slowly out, quickly back! Each stroke was just the

slightest bit faster then the last, until Hunter was slamming his cock

rapidly into Groomer's cunt.

With her eyes closed, the human arched her back, and rose up onto

her elbows, as she enjoyed the cock fucking her twat. Slowly she

opened her eyes, and was surprise to realize that she was looking

directly into the cold icy stare of the Husky!

Exile smiled at her, and said. "Ok comrade, I don't feel your teeth,

and you don't feel mine... Okie-Dokie?" Groomer had no idea what

the dog was talking about, but nodded her head, none the less!

The naked dog rose from all fours and crawled forward in his

knees, until his sheath was just inches from her nose. What he said,

suddenly made sense!

Looking up, Groomer again made eye contact with the Husky.

Who was looking down at her with a very large toothy grin!

Returning her gaze to the loins in front of her, she saw that his tip

was already showing at the end of his sheath. Groomer quickly

realize that she was going to try something new, wether she wanted

to or not. She had serviced General Parvo this way many times, but

never one of the 'cani-o-mutants'. Licking her lips, she parted

them, as she kissed Exile's cock tip!

The huge Husky felt the woman's lips around his cock, as she

pushed his sheath down to the base of his penis with them!

Hunter had stopped his fucking to watch the tableau play out in

front of him. But once he saw the woman's head start to bob in

front of Exile's groin, he resumed his humping. Looking up at his

Siberian friend, they each gave a slight nod to each other, and then

they both closed their eyes as their cocks disappeared into their

respective holes.

Gripping Groomer's hips with his paw-hands, the brown mongrel

resumed stroking his morphed-member into her..The shaft was

thicker that his doggie one would have been. (Dog dicks don't get

big until after they cum. His was that big already!) What ever shape

it was, Hunter was getting lots of pleasure, fucking it into her warm

wet cunt. "Ooooh Yesss!" He groaned. "I really love being a Road

Rover!" Hunter's tempo picked up a bit, as another low moan came

from his muzzle.

Blitz was finally coming to grips with what was happening in front

of him... Muzzle was, un-muzzled, Shag was bouncing around the

big rock, and Hunter and Exile was fucking their worst enemy,

Groomer...! "No Problem." He thought! And then he moved closer

to watch the cocks pumping into the human. He too thought that

Groomer had a nice tooshie and them he caught sight of his pack

leader's cock. Hunter was hung rather well! He thought, as he

watched the glistening shaft, slick with Hunter's natural lubricant

and the mixture of Muzzle's and Groomer's cum, piston in and out

of the woman's pussy.

Groomer was adjusting to the situation as well. While Hunter's

slower steady strokes into her were less frenzied than Muzzle's,

and she was able to enjoy it even more, especially since his balls

where firmly thwacking her mound just above her clit! He was still

fucking her with a dog's penis none the less. Rather similar to the

one she was now she was slurping on at the moment. Which tasted

rather different, good but different. Exile's cock defiantly had a bit

of a metallic 'tang' to it. And the texture! The os bone gave dog's

penis their stiffness even when 'soft and rubbery' as the Husky's

had been when she first slid her mouth down over him. It had

slowly swelling in size and texture becoming more firm.

Exile had wanted to try this for a long time. Ever since he had

watched a 'porn' film with his human master back in Moscow. One

of the scenes had featured a human female sucking on a human

male's cock. In the movie the man seamed to enjoy it immensely!

And the Husky had to agree with him, because the human female

that was sucking on his cock felt very very nice indeed! Another

thing the human man did was to put his hands on the human

female's head and control the action.

Reaching out, the Husky placed his 'paw-hands' on Groomer's

head... "Bozhemoi!" Exile exclaimed softly. "It was very strange.

That simple act gave him such a feeling of power! That he was in

control of this human female! He grabbed large paw fulls of her

raven black hair and slowed her suck-strokes. Make the strokes

slower and deeper he felt her lips glide over the very sensitive base

of his cock.

The leader of the Road Rovers didn't know what his canine collage

did, but just after he gave that Russian expletive, Groomer's cunt

give a shudder around his cock and it was still gripping him very

nicely! Hunter silently encouraged his friend to keep up whatever

he was doing at the other end of this female, it was making this end

much much nicer to bury his cock into. "Ooooommm" groaned the

mongrel. Groomer's 'gripping' twat was all he needed to push him

over the edge!

"They're so strong and assertive!" Thought Groomer, when Exile

gripped her head and was masterfully guiding her mouth over his

maleness. A shudder ran through her body as she felt herself being

subjugate to the will of these beasts. Secretly she loved being

dominated like this. Parvo with all his bravado, just couldn't seam

to get it right! These animals with there strong paws and powerful

loins made her heart race with excitement! She felt herself go into

her 'pleasure mode', where she just wanted to make her partner

cum and her too!

Exile's Russian shout brought the attention of Blitz to his end of

the woman. The doberman stared wide-eyed at his friends cock

being engulfed by Groomer's mouth! He saw her cheeks hollow in,

as she sucked on the husky's 'sheath-lizard'. Like all dogs, Blitz

could easily lick himself, but to be able to SUCK like that! He was

getting hard in his sheath just by watching it! Finally he had to tear

his eyes away from the scene. He saw Muzzle was fast asleep and

that Shag was continuing to bouncing around, still babbling in that

"doggie speak" of his.

Hunter gave out a deep sighing groan, as his canine-lust boiled over

in his loins! His hips bucked and drove him deeply into Groomer's

twat, as the first wads of his jizz blasted into her! Sucking air into

his lungs, his loins bucked again, sending another load onto her.

Holding himself deep in the wonderfully wet, warm, yielding flesh

of the human's mating pit. Hunter's cock fired again and again,

sending more of his 'puppy-seeds' gushing into her. And then his

already swollen penis, started to swell even more. Cani-o- mutants

cock's still could knot! The twin nodes at the base of his cock

suddenly filled with blood from his pounding heart. Making a hard,

massive ball, that locked Hunter's cock within Groomer.

"Oh Min Got!" Groomer thought, as Hunter's spirting cock

expanded out into her gripping cunt walls. "What a dog!" she

silently projected to the world. But all that escaped from her mouth

was a groan that vibrated against the husky's cock that she was still

sucking on.

It was Exile's turn to stop and watch at the sound of sexual bliss

that was coming from the rear of the human female. He could

clearly see his pack leader shudder as his orgasm engulfed his body.

A final thrust from Hunter's loins, that rocked the woman forward,

nearly shoved half of his own cock down Groomer's throat! He

watched waves of pure pleasure wash across his American friend's

face, as his cock lock itself deep in the human. Again Exile's big

toothy grin crossed his face as Hunter slowly collapsed onto

Groomer's back, in total 'mating bliss'. He observed the brown

mongrel's tail give a few feeble wags as he turned his attention

back to his own loins. And he resumed gilding Groomer's mouth

down over his own bourgeoning member.

Groomer was glad that the husky had stopped momentarily, when

Hunter climaxed into her. For it triggered her own orgasm

shuddering through out her body. Not since the days of her little

dog grooming shop, where she specialized in St. Bernards, did she

feel this good! These powerful dogs and their massive cocks,

fucking into her, were driving her right out of her mind! Their

strong bodies held her nearly motionless between them. All she

could do was work her cunt around the penis that was impaled

there. And use her mouth on the one lodged there!

After months of sniffing after Colleen, and not getting any,

Hunter's release into Groomer's pussy was all the better. And when

her cunt started to 'milk' his cock for more cum, it got even better!

He was soon reduced to a drooling puppy clinging to her back with

a big dog dick that was still spirting out semen jammed tightly in

her twat! "Life is good" was one of his last coherent thoughts.

The Siberian husky had felt Groomer's mouth go slack after she

and Hunter hit their peaks together. He was suddenly and pleasantly

surprised when she started back up! She would flutter her tongue

over the tip of his dick and then run it along underneath his shaft.

And she seamed more than a little content to let him control her

strokes as he bobbed her head up and down his shaft. Exile had

leaned forward a bit so his shaft was more in line with her mouth,

and she was eagerly letting it slide into the back of her throat. 

"I'm their BITCH!" Groomer happily thought, "I'm under their

total control!" Feeling his big furry balls on her chin was an added

benefit to 'deep throating' the big husky.

Control and power, two very strong aphrodisiacs, add in a very

talented mouth, and Exile's own lust was soon beginning to boil!

He did not even begin to know how to describe the feeling that was

flowing through him. His paws controlled a very will servant to

feast on his dog-hood. His slightest changes were immediately

followed through by her with out the slightest resistance. Again he

closed his icy blue eyes and he concentrated on the feeling coming

from his loins. Exile was getting one HELL of a blow-job! Each

stroke was a little stronger, a little deeper. His cock was going

farther and farther down her throat. Soon his was fairly pounding

Groomer's head into his loins!

And she was enjoying every lust filled, gut wrenching, stroke! She

wouldn't trade places with anyone right at this moment. She was

being subjected to the best fucking she could ever remember! And

to try to repay this dog for her pleasure she increased her sucking

on Exile's cock!

Those icy blue eyes, suddenly sprang open as he felt the vacuum on

his dick increased! That was more than he could take! Slamming

her face into his groin. The husky unleashed his cum into her


Groomer gulped down the tangy fluid as soon as it issued forth

from Exile's penis. More and more of the stuff was squirted down

her throat as the husky held himself to full penetration!

At just the last moment, a sane thought punched through the

orgasmic storm of lust that swirled in Exile's mind. And he pull his

still spirting cock partway out of Groomer's mouth. For just at that

moment. His 'nodes' ballooned out, and if he would have been still

as deep as he was; She might has chocked if would have knotted in

her mouth!

Groomer wondered why the husky was pulling out just when was

cuming into her mouth. But when his knot formed just in front of

her lips, she was happy he did. "Shit!" she thought, "He's

enormous!" What was still in her mouth became 'enormous' too!

As she gulped down another mouth full of his jizz, she added.

"Potent too!"

Exile slowly loosed his grip on the human female's hair. His paws

fell away as he sat back on his hunches. But Groomer's lips never

left the male nipple they were attached to! The husky let his head

lull back, with his nose pointed sky-word. Eyes closed and jaw

slack. Giving a soft sigh, he muttered. "Sled dog team, was never

like this!"

The doberman wasn't as good as the other Rovers in understanding

"Shag" speak, so when the massive white dog-morph bounced over

to him and started talking, it took a few tries before Blitz finally got

the gist of it. Together the two of them started untying the woman

that was prostrate across the rock with two very large cocks, that

continued to orgasm into her.

Since there wasn't any pressure around the base of his penis, Exile

was the first to loose his erection and roll away from the woman.

"Whoosh! Bozhemoi!" the husky exclaimed. And was still and

quite, except for some serous panting!

After several more minuets, Hunter also gave a big sigh, as his dick

'un-corked' from Groomer's pussy-hole. Out poured a rich mixture

of doggie and human cum.

Shag went over to the now vacant woman, and held his paw so

some of the mixture would ooze onto it. Raising is paw, gave the

stuff a sniff and a lick. He seamed to nod to himself in approval.

Reaching over, Shag gently picked up the woman, scooted back to

the center of the rock, laid back, and placed Groomer on his chest,

as one might a kitten.

Settling down on her warm furry bed, Groomer murmured

something about hoping Shag was as big as her 'Saints'.

The fog of lust quickly cleared form both Hunter's and Exile's

minds. Standing up, Hunter looked over the situation. "Ok.

Everyone has had a turn except for Blitz and Shag." The leader of

the Road Rovers muttered, aloud. "Well looks like Shag has his fun

all planed out." Hunter remarked when he spotted the mammoth

dog laying flat on his back with Groomer draped across him.

Going over to the rock, Hunter asked Shag what he could do to

help? The Swiss Rover quickly sketched out what he wanted done.

Exile came up, followed by Blitz. "You know what he want's

done?" Hunter asked the doberman. "Yea! He told me while you

two were in La-La land!" "I wish someone would tell me then."

Exile grumbled. "How's he going to do anything laying on his


Hunter quickly filled the husky in on Shag's plan as they walked

back over to the rock. Groomer look up as the threesome

approached. "Oh good! I hoped you went through yet." she

chirped. The leader of the Rovers only smiled at her and nodded to

the other Rovers. The three climbed up onto the rock. Hunter

directly behind Shag, Exile and Blitz on either side. Where they

grasped the human's legs and started to drag her back across

Shag's chest and tummy.

Groomer's pussy lips where all puffy and red from her two previous

encounters with canine cocks, making it an easy target. All he had

to do was to reach in and lift Shag's sheath so it lined up with it!

Plunging both paw-hands into on ocean of white fur, Hunter began

to feel around for the Swiss dog's equipment. First thing that his

paws slid across, was the globular surface of his testicles. "They're

as big as softballs!" Hunter thought to himself. Finding this

reference point, he moved forward to the sheath. The brown

mongrel placed one paw on Shag's sheath... and then the other!

Hunter lifted over a foot of fuzzy tube to align with the

approaching twat! "I would not have predicted this!" he exclaimed!

Glancing back, Blitz exclaimed. "Octtooleba!" Groomer tried to

look back over her shoulder to see what the doberman was

shouting about, but just then she felt the slick warm tip of Shag's

cock nuzzle into her cunt mouth.

Using her hands. The now, more than willing participant, in this

'gang-bang', pushed herself back onto the morphed-dog dick.

"Ooooooooo Yes. More Lovely Cock!" she murmured. And she

pushed back.... And she pushed back.... and Blitz and Exile was still

tugging her back!

Shag's long penis had now slid deep into Groomer's mating-pit.

Greased by all the cum that squished in there, it was going in very

easy... But it was going very very deep! It was deeper that any

other cock she had been fucked by and it still slid deeper! It hit

Bottom! And they still tugged her back! "If there's much more of

him, something will have to give!" she grimly thought. Another tug

and a blunt pain shot through her.. Another tug... and she was just

about to cry out when she felt her ass cheeks bump agonist his

balls. "Shit! He is enormous!" she happily thought!

First three, then all four worked as a team, to get Shag laid! Hunter

placed both paws on the woman's ass and pushed her forward a

few inches, then Exile and Blitz would pull her back. After a few

strokes, Groomer got into the act, and helped the slow fucking she

was getting from what had to be the biggest dick in all of dogdom!

Soon, Groomer was pumping herself onto the tremendous

truncheon. The three other Rovers could sit back and watch the


And what a show it was! Every time the woman rocked forward,

pulling Shag's thick cock out of her. It looked like half of her cunt

was coming with it! And then when she pushed back onto it, her

puffy lips slid in with it! This continued until the Swiss dog started

to swell some! Then the three other dogs had to come to the

'rescue' and resume helping her. When they know that Shag was

nearing his limit, they pulled her as far back onto him as they could

and left her there... gored on a colossal cock!

Groomer's lust was flying high before Shag's mighty member

entered her. Now it threatened to engulf her! A deep animalistic

groan came from her, as she ground her groin agonist Shag's!

Exile and Blitz, joined Hunter, as he sat in line so he could get a

clear view. "How could the Groomer lady take all of that huge

cock?" Blitz wondered aloud.

"I don't know. Maybe she has pony!" Exile offered.

"I just hope that she can take a bit more. I think Shag's getting

close!" Hunter pointed out.

Sure enough, Shag's hind paws began jerking and twitching, as if

trying to fuck his dick even farther into the warm hole he was

buried in.

Shag's fantasy was coming true for the humongous hound! The

woman's cunt felt wonderful, wrapped around his cock! Their

bodies, their genitals, seamed to twitch and jump in time to each

other. And the fact that Groomer could take all of him was the best

part! "Oooo, Oooo." he whined. Then his body gave a mighty


Everyone watching saw Shag shake, and the all know that his

colossal canine cannon had just fired it's first volley into the woman

impaled onto him. His hind legs hung limp, except for the slight

twitching they did in time to his orgasms!

"OH! SHIT!" Groomer exclaimed, as Shag's cock knotted in her

pussy! "He's like make love to a fire hose!" The swelling ball

pushed things out of it's way! Her sensitive clit was pushed out,

past her cunt lips, to be tantalized by the soft belly fur.

"Ooooooooo!" she groaned, as each movement, shifted the hair

across her citrous. She know she was hung, locked to this corpulent

canine until he was done with her!

Exile and Hunter exchanged glances when Blitz started towards the

two. The husky was going to ask the doberman what he was going

to do, but Hunter just shook his head at him. Leaning closer he

whispered, "I wondered what Blitz might do. I think I now know."

The brown mongrel smiled at Exile.

Blitz slid quietly up behind the mating pair. "Such a wonderful

tooshie!",  he kept murmuring to himself. Kneeling down, he

carefully sniffed Groomer's Globus Maximus! Slowly he let his

tongue slither over the smooth white skin. "Such a tasty Tooshie!"

"Don't leave any permeant marks!" Hunter called to his German

friend. As he and Exile wondered back to the ATV.

"Don't worry, I wont" Blitz replied, then to himself he whispered.

"It's too pretty to bite." He soon had her ass cheeks shining in the

sunlight from all the saliva his tongue left.

Groomer was so blissed out by Shag's cock, she barely noticed

what Blitz was doing. But the doberman was soon going to attract

a lot of her attention!

"What is Dober-dog doing now?" Exile wondered aloud, as he

watched his German comrade from the shade of the ATV.

Blitz had removed his armor and the rest of his clothes. His tight

body shone with muscles as he rose up over the two prone figures.

"Well he sure as hell can't fuck her pussy! Shag has that hole

stuffed." Hunter observed. "He must be going for..."

"I knew he was a weird boy!" interjected Exile.

"Oh.... and putting your dick into her mouth was normal?" Hunter


"Ok, ok, but at least my end was clean, his using 'Shit-Hole! Neyt!"

Vaguely Groomer wondered what Blitz was doing climbing on top

of her? Then she felt what could only be the tip of his dick agonist

her bung-hole!

Blitz held his sheath in one paw, while spreading Groomer's 'great-

divide' with the other. "Oooooo, I've always wanted to fuck a nice

tooshie." and with that. The doberman jabbed his dick into her tight


Groomer had quickly sized up the situation. She couldn't move,

Shag made sure of that, and she doubted if she could talk Blitz out

of it. So she tried to relax her ass muscles the best she could!

After gaining entrance, Blitz's slim penis easily slid the rest of the

way in. He was secretly glad the others had moved away, because

he know he wasn't as 'endowed' as well as the other Rovers.

Which meant it was just the right size for fucking 'tooshies'.

The human's eyes opened wide! This one hole, she had still been a

virgin! But she could think of no better way to loose her 'ass-

cheery' then to do it while being fuck in the cunt by an enormous

cock and being fucked in the ass by a nice slim one!

The two Road Rover watched the strange sight from the shade of

their vehicle. Shag, a seven foot tall dog-morph was laying on his

back with Groomer, a formally hated enemy, laying across his belly

his cock lodged in her cunt. While a black and tan dober-morph,

humped merrily away in her ass! Hunter's German was a bit rusty,

but he was sure that ever Blitz was shouting, it had to do with

'semen gushing forth'!

Blitz was in bliss! Groomer's  ass-ring griping tightly around his

dick drove the doberman wild! When it hit his sensitive band down

at the base of his cock, he started humping like a dog possessed!

His own tight tooshie flexed with tight muscles as he fuck into the

willing woman. He could barely control himself! He was fucking

like muzzle, like an animal! And all to soon he was cuming his seed

into her bowels. As his orgasm settled into the steady canine

pumping, Blitz slowly collapsed onto Groomer's back.

Hunter looked over to Exile. "So, what do your want to do

tomorrow?" Hunter asked.

"I wonder if Groomer want's to change sides?" Wondered the


The leader of the Road Rovers squinted at the scene that was still

playing out in front of them. "Well, if the look on her face is

anything to go by, I'd say we should have Parvo's Swiss bank

account numbers by the time we get back to base."

The two shifted in their chairs as a warm breeze brought the heavy

musk from the 'mating rock'.

"What's this stuff called again?"


"Oh.. It's kind'a good."

"We drink it all the time in Russia."

"I think I might radio back to 'Master' and tell him we're having

trouble and will be 3 maybe 4 hours late!."

Exile rubbed his paw over his sheath, and grined,. "Okie-Dokie

comrade, sounds like good plan."



Don't know these characters or the series they're from, but great nonetheless.  Thanks!


Thanks for the story, it's pretty good - I missed the Road Rovers, so will have to check them out.  Keep the goodness coming and have a happy New Year!


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